
    Kindergarten Behavior Management

    The behavior management program that our class will be implementing this year is called a “Stoplight” system of Assertive Discipline.  Each child will be given 1 warning prior to light changes to remember their verbal warning.  If the behavior warrants, a light may change. At the end of the day the students with:

    GreenBehavior is good, all rules are being followed.

    Yellow -Student is in violation of one of the class or school rules, and has not changed his/her actions after being given verbal warnings. A consequence may be given.  Light Chart in folder must be initialed.                                                                    

    Red -Student continues to violate rules after verbal and visual warnings have been given. Consequences will be given on an individual basis.  Light Chart in folder must be initialed.

    Lights Out -Student continues to violate rules or a serious infraction of rules has occurred  (fighting, continuous bullying, endangering oneself or others etc). At this point, the student will be on a “lights out” and a parent will be notified.  All classroom privileges will be lost until the student demonstrates the ability to control his/her behavior. They may also have a principal visit.

    The positive is always stressed.  We will be incorporating our school wide P.A.C.E Program, All things EQ and our Second Step Social and Emotional / Bully Prevention Program. Positive social and emotional interactions will be modeled and guided throughout the year. Students will also be monitoring their own behavior and will be given verbal praise, privileges, “Golden PACE Tickets and rewards for good behavior.   Parents will also be able to monitor and guide their child’s behavior. Each day, children will have a colored light within their classroom folder on a calendar to help chart each month. We will also keep communication open by providing you with an explanation to any light changes.  Please remember to check your child’s folder daily and to return it to school.  We will also use this folder to provide any and all important newsletters, notes etc.

    Thank you for your cooperation.     
    The Kindergarten Team