• Kindergarten Curriculum

    apple Language Arts

    Our language arts program will be divided into and taught in four different areas:  Guided Reading, Writing, Phonics and Whole Group Instruction.  The combinations of these four areas will provide a strong language foundation.  Guided reading will be taught through a variety of fiction and nonfiction literature both in small and large group settings.  Your child will write each day. Phonics will be taught through a hands-on approach that builds phonemic awareness, letter/sound recognition and improves decoding skills.  Your child will have the opportunity to work each day independently at his/her own level.  This is a great way to build self confidence and a life long love for reading.

    We will be working towards mastery of Common Core State Standards using I - Ready Math it is the adopted math curriculum of the Deer Valley Unified School District.  The program provides a balance of concepts and skills.  Hands on skills and procedures are covered through the use of manipulative practice. 
    Reading Groups

    Our class will be participating in both Small Reading Group and Whole Group instruction. These reading groups will help us provide a more individualized instruction to help meet the needs of all children. Small Reading Groups will meet 5 days a week in a Literacy Center format for 60 minutes.  Whole group instruction will be teacher directed for 30 minutes each day.  Students are grouped and regrouped according to their own instructional needs. 
    This year we will be using two phonics programs.  The first is the Michael Heggerty program for phonemic awareness.  The daily lessons contain the same ten skills: Letter Naming, Rhyming, Onset Fluency, Blending, Identifying Final and/or Medial Sounds, Segmenting, Adding Phonemes, Deleting Phonemes, Substituting Phonemes, and Language Awareness. These ten skills are the building blocks to reading readiness.  We will also be using the 95% Group curriculum for phonemic awareness.

    Social Studies and Science

    In kindergarten, Science and Social Studies will be taught through hands-on experiences, thematic units, learning centers and authentic literature. We will be using Hartcourt Social Studies to read and discuss Social Studies topics.  The district adopted Mystery Science and Picture Perfect will be used to teach Science standards. The district adopted Impact Arizona will be used to teach Social Studies standards.