


    Hello Stallions,
    We look forward to an amazing year! We are ready to help you continue your success at Stetson Hills. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to support you as we begin this school year. 

    In Mrs. Dominguez's science class you will be using the scientific method to explore the properties of water and electricity. You will also be studying weather and learning about the different instruments used to measure weather.  You will create landform features and identify the Earth processes that cause erosion.  Science rocks!

    Social Studies class, you will focus on Regions and Cultures of the Americas: North, Central, and South America along with the Caribbean Islands (Pre-contact to 1763) using an integrated approach. You will learn about the contributions of various cultural and ethnic groups to the development of the Americas through primary and secondary sources. Get ready to use your creative ideas for fun projects!

    In Ms. Pappalau’s math class, we will extend your place value understanding to the millions place.  We will use place value understanding to add and subtract large numbers with the standard algorithm.  We will also use place value understanding to multiply and divide.  We will continue to build your understanding of fractions by creating equal fractions, comparing the size of fractions, adding and subtracting fractions, and multiplying fractions by whole numbers.  We will learn about the relationship and connection between fractions and decimals.  There will be lots of geometry concepts to learn about.  If you don’t have all of your basic multiplication facts memorized, you may want to work on that over the summer.  We love math!

    In Mrs. Nichols’ reading class, you will be reading both fiction and nonfiction text.  You will learn more about story elements, theme, cause and effect, sequence, how to understand what is inferred in the text, and much more. Spelling and decoding skills are included in our reading curriculum. Strong development in reading is essential to success in school. Have fun reading this summer!

    In writing, you will be learning how to effectively write informative essays, argumentative essays and narratives. Grammar skills will be included in our writing lessons. Grades will be entered by Mrs. Nichols and Mrs. Dominguez.


    Mrs. Dominguez-Science/Social Studies  cathy.dominguez@dvusd.org

    Mrs. Nichols-Reading/Writing  christina.nichols@dvusd.org

    Mrs. Pappalau-Math  Jaclyn.Pappalau@dvusd.org