• This is the overall statement that guides our classrooms:

    Together we will discuss specific expectations, the definitions of each, and being responsible for yourself.

    Student Expectations

    1. Treat all people with kindness and respect
    2. Respect all property
    3. Come to class on time and be prepared to learn
    4. Listen and follow directions
    5. Work in a way that doesn't distract others from learning 
    6. Always try your hardest to do your best

    It is our goal to encourage your child in a positive, supportive, nurturing environment.


    Occasionally students have difficultly adhering to classroom expectations. We will give students cues and reminders to get back on task. If the child continues with the behavior the following may occur:

    *student completes a Think Sheet-plan to improve behavior
    *move student to another place in the classroom
    *move student to another classroom 
    *call/email parent
    Severe cases may be referred to the office