

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Bobbi Cerro

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! Let me introduce myself! My name is Bobbi Cerro, and I am your proud and enthusiastic Principal. I am beyond thrilled to be a member of this welcoming and caring community and am so eager to build lasting and meaningful relationships with the whole Mirage community!

I'd like to share a little bit about myself. I taught both 3rd and 4th grade in the Boulder Creek Region and the Deer Valley Region, and was a member of the Teacher Advancement Program (TAP) Leadership Team, while the TAP grant was still in effect here at Deer Valley. Prior to my time as a campus administrator, I was the Continuous Improvement Specialist at the District Office. My work included providing quarterly feedback and support to all campus and department administrators with regard to their Campus/Department Improvement Plans, leading the PreK-12 Classroom of Excellence Recognition Program, co-chairing the Classified Culture Course and the district's Continuous Improvement Support Team, and evaluating and providing professional development for the district's Academic Facilitators. All the while, I was being called to return to the campus. I belong with teachers and students. I returned to school based administration in 2016. I helped to open Union Park School in 2020, which was an exhilarating and uplifting experience. I am now so incredibly grateful to be here at Mirage, where I can serve, support, coach, and collaborate!

Personally, I have much to share as well. I am a proud Arizona native, and absolutely love our exquisite desert home! I am married to my best friend from high school (go Saguaro High School Sabercats!), James, and together we have two exceptional children, Madison and Billy. I am a Sun Devil through and through, and come from a long line of ASU alum. Our children are following suit. Madison, a Sun Devil, graduated from Walter Cronkite School of Journalism, and is a Digital Account Executive for Fox 35 in Orlando, and was featured as a Portrait of Graduate Exemplar last year for Deer Valley Unified School District.  Billy is involved in the service industry, managing a restaurant here in the Valley and currently pursuing a degree in business and hotel and restaurant management. In our free time, we love to take road trips, and soak up as much as we possibly can around Arizona. The diverse landscapes, rich culture, and fascinating and ancient history does not leave us wanting. The road takes us outside of Arizona as well, and we try to see as much of this great nation as we can. Often the road takes us straight to happy place!!!!

I'd love to share more and get to know you, so feel free to stop by! My door is always open. I look forward to a wonderful year of learning, growing, and laughter. I can't wait to roll up my sleeves, work with our amazing Mirage NEU Community, and further develop my Roadrunner Roar this year!!!