• Welcome Students and Parents!

    Welcome to Freshmen Biology! I am thrilled to embark on this exciting journey with you as we explore the fascinating world of Biology. Whether you’re passionate about science or just starting to discover your interests, this class will offer something for everyone. We will delve into the intricacies of living organisms, their structures, functions, and interactions, laying a solid foundation for your future studies in the life sciences.


    Course Description

    Biology is a lab course designed to teach the structure of living organisms.  We will cover a wide range of topics including the scientific method, cells, genetics, ecology, and natural selection.  This course will highlight the various ways these topics affect our lives while placing special emphasis on scientific process, critical thinking, and problem solving.  The course curriculum is aligned with the Arizona State Standards which include the Arizona College and Career Ready Standards.


    Class Expectations

    • Be Respectful: Treat your classmates, teacher, and classroom with respect.
    • Be Prepared: Come to class on time with all necessary materials.
    • Be Engaged: Participate actively in discussions and activities.
    • Be Responsible: Complete assignments on time and seek help when needed.


    Materials Needed

    • Charged Chromebook
    • Earbuds for instructional purposes only
    • Notebook
    • Pens and Pencils


    Looking forward to a fantastic year of learning and discovery in Freshmen Biology!