• Welcome to Mrs. Riegels' Website


    The only way to learn mathematics is to do mathematics.      Paul Halmos




  • Class Schedule

    P1 Prep

    P2 Algebra 1-2

    P3 Algebra 3-4

    P4 Algebra 3-4H

    P6 Algebra 1-2

    P7 Algebra 3-4H


  • Biography

    I earned my undergraduate degree from ASU in Secondary Education in Mathematics and a graduate degree in Communications from Grand Canyon University.  I actually began teaching at Mountain Ridge High School in 1996 but left in 2009 to pursue other opportunities in the British Virgin Islands (BVI). In 2010, I started teaching at an IB school in the BVI and continued until I moved back to the US in 2020. I am once again teaching at Mountain Ridge, and I am happy to be back. 

Contact Information

  • Contact Information

    Room: CC 408

    Voicemail: 623 376-3258

    Email:  Monika.Riegels@dvusd.org

    MRHS Website:  mrhs.dvusd.org

  • Office Hours

    After school until 2:55 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays, unless otherwise noted in class.