
    We the People

    This course is aligned with Arizona College and Career Ready Standards and/or national content standards and supports school-wide efforts to increase student achievement. Using inquiry in history, high school students explore a variety of peoples, events, and movements in United States history with a focus on inquiry into the evolution of American democratic principles, changes in society, economic and geographical development, and the emergence of the United States as a global power. A United States history course can be organized in a variety of ways including thematic, chronological, regional, or through case studies. Special attention should be paid to how Arizona and its diverse cultures and individuals contribute to United States history. It is expected that students in elementary and middle school will have analyzed events, documents, movements, and people in Arizona and United States history from the colonial period through contemporary U.S. History. It is recommended that this course maximize time in a manner to allow for depth of content and connection to current issues and events. The course should include but is not limited to content from the following historical eras:

    • Revolution and a New Nation including but not limited to causes of the American Revolution, reasons for American victory, impact of the Revolution on politics, economy, and society, and the creation of the American political system looking at origins, and key political and social figures,
    • Nation Building and Sectionalism including but not limited to territorial expansion and its impacts on external powers and Native Americans, regional tensions due to industrialism, immigration, and the expansion of slavery, changes in the political democracy after 1800, and cultural, religious, and reform movements in the Antebellum period
    • Civil War and Reconstruction including but not limited to causes, course, and impact of the Civil War on various groups in the United States, the impacts of different reconstruction plans, and the emergence of Jim Crow and segregation
    • Emergence of Modern America including but not limited to industrialization, immigration and migration, progressivism, Federal Indian Policy, suffrage movements, racial, religious and class conflict, the growth of the United States as a global power and World War I and its aftermath
    • Great Depression and World War II including but not limited to social, political, and economic changes during the 1920’s, the role of government, impact of the depression on diverse groups of Americans, the New Deal, and the cause and course of World War II, the character of the war at home, and the impacts of the war on the United States
    • Postwar United States including the economic boom and social transformation of the United States, the Cold War, the impact of conflicts in Korea and Vietnam, domestic and international policies, and the struggle for civil rights and equality
    • Contemporary United States including but not limited to domestic politics and policies, economic, social and cultural developments, growing international conflict and tension, 9-11 and responses to terrorism, environmental issues, poverty, globalization, nuclear proliferation, and human rights

    For additional information on state standards, go to azed.gov

    US History Syllabus