
  • I Love School breakfast

    Introducing: Choose Breakfast Your Way in the Cafeteria!

    Students now have more flexibility with breakfast! 

    1) Students start by choosing fruit and/or 100% fruit juice.  Yes, they can choose both, but they MUST have at least one of them.

    2) Students choose their entree.  They can choose one of our 'Classic Entrees" or one of our monthly "Yummy Features" (see menu for each month's selections). Options vary by school, but classic entrees may include the following: Bagel & Cream Cheese, Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Bar, Muffins, Assorted Cereals. 

    3) Students may choose local farm-raised milk (either white non-fat or white 1%).


    Breakfast in the Classroom

    Breakfast in the classroom (BIC) takes the traditional school breakfast approach and improves it with one key ingredient: the classroom. For participating schools, breakfast is available to everyone at no charge – no matter the income level – and it’s eaten after the opening bell. This makes it possible for all children to participate.

    The approach is simple. Children eat together in the classroom, at the start of the school day, after the morning bell. They enjoy nutritionally well-balanced foods like breakfast sandwiches, yogurt, muffins and fruit served directly in their classroom. Students then eat breakfast while the teacher takes attendance, collects homework or teaches a short lesson plan so that no instructional time is lost.

    We are proud to be able to offer BIC at five of our K-6 schools.  Schools participating are Constitution, Esperanza, Mirage, Sunrise & Village Meadows. BIC is free to all children at these specific schools. For monthly menu offerings, please refer to the monthly menus. 


    Why Breakfast is so Important 

    Missing meals and experiencing hunger impairs children’s development and achievement.

    Studies published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Pediatrics, and the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry document the negative effects of hunger on children’s academic performance and behavior in school.

    • Hungry children have lower math scores and are more likely to have to repeat a grade.
    • Children experiencing hunger are more likely to be hyperactive, absent and tardy. Additionally, these same childern tend to have more behavioral and attention problems compared to other children.
    • Children with hunger are more likely to have repeated a grade, received special education services, or received mental health counseling than low-income children who do not experience hunger.

    Breakfast plays a significant role in shaping the learning environment.

    • Eating breakfast at school helps children perform better. Numerous published studies show that academic achievement among students who eat school breakfast tends to improve, especially in vocabulary, math, and standardized tests.
    • Students who eat breakfast at school have better attendance and tend to behave better. In studies of school breakfast programs in Massachusetts, Maryland, Minnesota, and Rhode Island, scientists found that students who eat breakfast at school have better attendance records, are less likely to be tardy, and exhibit fewer behavioral and psychological problems than students who do not eat breakfast at school.
    • Eating breakfast can improve children’s diets and may reduce their risk of obesity. Studies show that children who regularly eat breakfast have a better quality of nutrient intake and are less likely to be overweight or obese. In fact, regularly eating breakfast may serve as a safeguard against childhood obesity.


Breakfast Around the World

  • This institution is an equal opportunity provider.